About Me
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Addiction psychologist, blogger and educator
Avid enthusiast about her job and everything connected to addictions. Actively working as addiction psychologist, lecturer and educationist. Updated with the cutting – edge discoveries and researches, as well as newest modes of working with those who suffer not only from substance use disorder but also distorted behavioural – cognitive tendencies and obsessions. Giving lectures and courses on addictions, leading and supporting as well individual clients as their families in crisis situations. Presently working for E-Rehab Centre with substance use disorder clients. Running her psychological blog dedicated mainly to addictions (https://innerchase.net/). Atrociously passionate about sports and healthy nourishment. True believer of open dialogue and self – improvement
Educational background
Master’s Studies at Psychology
Annual Course on Addictions for licence psychologists: methods of prevention, running therapies for addicts and their families, clinical psychology, social psychopathology
Course on Eating and Dieting Disorders Online Learning Program: learning about the nature of food addition and disorders, providing psychological help, different methods of therapy
Course on Addiction Treatment: clinical skills for healthcare providers
Course on Major Depression in the Population: a public health approach
Giving lectures for addiction therapy instructors
Working as a psychologist in Social Welfare Center by providing psychological help and support to children and their families
Internship in Warsaw Rehab Center: running group sessions together with providing educational workshops for addicts
Internship in DBT Center: learning how to run sessions in line with cognitive behavioral methods for emotionally unstable clients (mainly borderline, mood disorders, suicidal attempts)
Internship at Warsaw Detention Ward; organizing inmates’ psychological profiles, taking part in therapies for prisoners, analyzing criminal records
Giving lectures on addictions, their forms and ways of prevention for Center for Social Problem Solving
you are give you a hand here . My Approach & Values
Therapy is a road where I accompany and support my client in his inner journey
Each and every of my clients is different, hence, my methods and approach are fully flexible and adjustable to individual needs. Yet, as for the core of my work I can pinpoint the followings:
➟ cognitive – behavioural methods: First I want you to understand why you do the things you do, conscious and deep insight into yourselves. Yes, sometimes it will hurt
➟ equal therapist – patient relation: I am not an infallible expert that you must blindly follow. I am mirror and a companion in your journey
➟ setting a clear goal: Having a plan and setting your objectives will clarify and facilitate the goal for every session. The list of priory prepared topics is always more than welcome
➟ empathy, trust and unconditional support: In my books without this trio a true therapy never kicks off
➟ professional and latest knowledge in addictions: The more you know, the better you can understand yourself. Let me give you a hand here and equip you with this tool
➟ passion and full dedication for what I do: To put it simply: it does not matter who you are, what you come from and what kind of wounds and traumas you drag behind yourself. I am here for you.
Above all of that, I do believe that for a fully successful therapy “magical click”, between therapist and his client is a must. Since therapy is nothing more than a meeting of two souls, we both must feel comfortable enough to entrust each other and set off together in this beautiful journey called therapy.
I Work With Individuals & Groups

Individual Therapy
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Group Therapy
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Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor
Contact Me
Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 112